Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gluten Free Breakfast

I used to hate eating's still not something I can wake up and do immediately, but I enjoy it much more now than I used to, especially on my drive to work. I'll grab a banana, or LARABAR (another post), or recently I've been eating Rudi's cinnamon raisin slices with Justin's CHOCOLATE hazelnut butter. Holy breakfast and all things yummy!

I recently received a FREE Rudi's coupon and ran to Kroger and grabbed loaf from the freezer. I opened the bag as soon as I got home to smell it...yeah, I'm weird, but immediately I smelled the goodness! I had been wanting to try Justin's butters, and noticed "sample sizes" at the grocer. This was great!! And what an awesome combo on my palate.

I have been microwaving a slice of Rudi's bread for about 15 seconds then spreading the Justin's CHOCOLATE hazelnut butter. It provides a gluten-free breakfast option at the perfect calorie count! Plus the protein makes my meal last longer. I got two meals out of one squeeze packet (.89 cents at Kroger) of Justin's CHOCOLATE hazelnut butter. 

Grab some Rudi's  and Justin's CHOCOLATE hazelnut butter the next time you're at the won't be disappointed.

Here's a coupon for $1 off Rudi's products...ENJOY!

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